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Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Familiar Thoughts ???

What you would be reading now is my take on the Individuals who change jobs. Changing it frequently or not is immaterial, or maybe it is not. But I leave it up to the reader to decide about it.

What causes a motivated employee to call it a day and move on to "supposedly" greener pastures? Well,  as a common phrase goes, Its not the last straw which breaks the camels back, but the ones before that.

This is not a rehash of the countless emails that one gets being in a typical IT organization. Rather, this is a reflection of my thoughts on what is happening around me.

An employee, after slogging it out, and gaining the trust of the client and getting in more projects expects that he would be given a better remuneration or be suitable awarded. However, the amount he would get would be just about a tad bit more than the folks who did not put in similar effort. Or he would end up getting peanuts for whatever efforts he has put in. This kick starts the thinking process, which questions the intelligence of putting hours of hard work. Then there are the usual pot shots that the supervisor/manager would indulge in. Comparison is a wonderful way, by which they either belittle or destroy an individual. But giving the devil its dues, it is helpful in some cases.

In a nut shell, these behavioral patterns displayed by supervisors/managers, serves only one purpose, i.e. to increase the probability of an individual leaving the organization, and add to the attrition rate of the organization.

I am aware that in the long run, money cannot be the only motivating factor. After spending few years in an organization, an individual would want vertical movement as well. But this is not true for everyone. Some folks might just be content with a good raise every year or every appraisal cycle, commensurate with their performance. This of course doesn't happen. The entire process, almost always, if not every time is skewed in favor of the so called favorites. The reasons why certain individuals are favorites and certain are not, are obscure to a normal individual.

Once the affected individual leaves the organization, the "HR" goes on a wild goose chase to get the right individual. The entire exercise of getting the right candidate would have been avoided, if the person who quit, was not forced to do so. The reasons are varied, and personal reasons for quitting, cannot be avoided. But individuals who quit because of work related reasons, by individuals, I mean, good resources who quit because of work related reasons, should raise the alarm bells. It should be reason enough for the organization for a process of introspection.

Phew, that takes some load of me...